| 12 lb x 0.0005 lb / 6 kg x 0.2 g
Display Resolution:
| 24,000 / 30,000
Minimum Piece Weight:
| 0.0001 lb / 0.05 g
| Three six-digit 0.56" / 14.2 mm high seven-segment red LED display with three brightness levels
| Internal rechargeable battery gives 20 hours of use between charges. Recharge time is approximately eight hours with a 12V 500mA UK/EU/US power adapter (p/n AWT05-100560) with center positive (included).
| 6V4A/Hr rechargeable lead-acid battery
Auto Off:
| Selectable between 1 and 30 minutes or off
Function Keys:
| On/Off, Clear, Enter, Zero, Tare, Total, lb/kg, Piece Weight, PLU, Print, *Currency, Upper Limit, Lower Limit and 0 – 9 for data entry
| Zero, Tare, AC Mains Connected, Battery Charging, Stable, Big Bag, Small Bag, lb and kg
Keyboard Functionality:
| 0-9– Used for keyboard entry of piece weight, sample size, and upper and lower limit settings
| Units used to switch displayed weights between lb and kg. Currency used to switch between currency type (available in 60 lb / 30 kg capacity only). US Dollars, GB Pounds and Euros with big and small bag selection.
| Return displayed weight and count to zero for accurate weighing and counting. Zero range capability is 5% of scale capacity
| Enter used to confirm or save entered data from keyboard. Pcwt used for keyboard entry of a known average piece weight.
| Used to zero off (up to 100% of capacity) an empty container or weight, not required in the calculation of an average piece weight. Use of tare will reduce the scales maximum weight capacity by value stored.
| Ability to add the display to an accumulator (Memory +) and only accumulate when there is a percentage of weight change
| Clear to erase a keyed in value from the display if an error has been made. Hi/Lo is to set the upper and lower limits.
| Used to set an upper limit quantity for count check feature
| Used to set lower limit quantity for count check feature
Platter Dimensions: (L x W x H)
| 11.5" x 13" x 0.5" 222 mm x 292 mm x 13 mm
Product Dimensions: (L x W x H)
| 11.5" x 13.1" x 4.3" 292 mm x 333 mm x 109 mm
Package Dimensions: (L x W x H)
| 16" x 14" x 8" 406 mm x 356 mm x 203 mm
Shipping Weight:
| 12 lb / 5 kg
| NSF, UKCA, CE, full FCC compliance, Prop 65, CEC, ETL approved power adapter